Harry Styles Crowned as the ‘New King of Pop,’ Replacing Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson, often hailed as one of the greatest musicians of all time, has long been known as the King of Pop. However, a recent claim that Harry Styles has taken over the title has sparked debate among music fans.

Jackson, who passed away in 2009 at the age of 50, left behind a legacy that includes 13 Grammy Awards, 6 Brit Awards, 5 Billboard Music Awards, 24 American Music Awards, and 20 Guinness World Records. His influence on music, dance, and pop culture remains unmatched.

Harry Styles, 29, rose to fame as a member of One Direction before launching a successful solo career. With three studio albums and three Grammy Awards, he has built a dedicated fanbase.

However, when Rolling Stone referred to Styles as the “new King of Pop” in a recent feature, many were quick to disagree.

Even members of Jackson’s family have spoken out against the title. His nephew, Taj Jackson, took to social media to express his disapproval, writing:

“There is no new King of Pop. You don’t own the title, @RollingStone, and you didn’t earn it—my uncle did. Decades of dedication and sacrifice. The title has been retired. No disrespect to @Harry_Styles, he’s mega-talented.”

Taj also suggested that Styles be given his own unique title rather than using one so closely tied to Jackson’s legacy.

The post has been shared thousands of times, with fans echoing his sentiments.

One user wrote: “I’m a huge Harry Styles fan, but no. There is no new King of Pop.”

Another added: “When Michael Jackson passed, the title left with him. It’s an insult to give it to anyone else.”

While Styles continues to enjoy massive success, many believe Jackson’s title should remain untouched, honoring his lasting impact on the music world.

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